$207 bi/weekly with 10% of purchase price as down payment OAC. Zero down options are available at a slightly higher payment, and payment deferrals of up to 120 days are available OAC. Any loan we provide is open, and can be paid out at any time without penalty. All Vehicles come certified with a Mechanical Fitness Assessment, and a 90 day warranty or factory warranty. Warranties can be extended up to 36 months. We have lenders to suit all credit types - good, bad or new. Apply online today at www.applyrightnow.ca. Payments advertised include taxes and fees, and are OAC. AMVIC LICENCED. Payment is based on a 72 month term at 6.99 %APR. Extended terms up to 96 months are available on newer vehicles. Total Cost of Borrowing is: $5,999.62 Rates are subject to change without notice - please check with dealer for interest rate availability. OPEN SUNDAYS 4053 OGDEN ROAD SE, CALGARY, AB Ph 403 718 0030